Thursday, September 10, 2020

Visiting questions

 Don't ask me what nudged me to write this blog but I've noticed this before and thought I'd ask y'all if you've noticed it too.

This only happens when you're visiting (like out-of-town) with friends or family.

And - this might only happen when you visit your home town from elsewhere.

I'll use my sisters as an example.

Lisa visiting from MD:  "Hi, Tom.  So nice to see you."

Tom:  "Wow, how long has it been anyway?  So, when'd ya get here?"

Lisa:  "Oh, last night around 6-ish."

Tom:  "So, how long ya staying?"

Lisa:  "Probably until Ellen and Pete throw me out."  hehe I made that last part up.


Stacey:  "Val!  Norm!  I'm so glad we ran into you.  You both look great."

Val/Norm:  "Oh, Stace. We knew you were going to be visiting some time soon.  When did you get here?"

Stacey:  "Day before yesterday."

Val/Norm: "So how long can you stay?"

Notice anything?

Do you think the "when did you get here and when are you leaving" questions are just something people say to . . . . what?  Break the ice or do they give the questions any thought it all? Do they really care?

Or - are they not really very happy to see you and they can't wait to see the back side of you???

Or . . . am I the only one this happens to?  No.  That can't be it.

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