Monday, September 14, 2020

Might be time to go pillow shopping

 Oh, nooooooooooooo.  I hate pillow shopping.

Firm? Soft? Feather? Foam?  Too many choices.

And what if I get the wrong one?  How do you test drive a pillow?

When you were a kid, did you give any thought at all as to what you were going to put your head on at night?  

If you had older sibs you probably got their hand-me-downs and they were passing along whatever mom bought.

For a number of years Petey and I had those contoured memory foam jobs.  We even traveled with them.  We used a large black garbage bag (nothing but class) to tote them in and they took up a surprising amount of space in the car.  But well worth it because we believed they were life savers.

Those bags were sturdy too.  We used them for a number of years.  We kept on using them (actually, now that I think about it, I believe we put both pillows in one bag) even though one of the corners was frayed (the bag, not the pillow).

Until . . . . we went to Chicago to meet our nephew, Mike, and his family.  Mike had reserved rooms at The Ritz!!! 

There was no way we could take that nasty old garbage bag into the Ritz and not look like "The Clampetts Go to the City."

But how would/could we possibly sleep without our pillows???

Turns out, just fine because - THE RITZ!

We stopped traveling with our pillows after that but we still have to face the pillow department every now and then.

I can't remember how often "they" say you're supposed to get rid of your pillows but I believe we passed that bench mark quite some time ago.

I despise the thought of pillow shopping.  Almost as much as I despise those fluorescent lights in the dressing rooms but I know it's something we must do.

Anyone want to come along?  It'll be fun.  We'll do lunch afterward.


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