Thursday, February 27, 2020

Yellow is the new green

I'm talking traffic signals.  You know, stop lights.
We all know what the red means, right?  STOP!

We all know what green means, too.  GO!

Yellow is a little iffy, though.  I think it depends on how far away you are when it shows up. If it changes while you're in the intersection . . . obviously you breeze right on through.

If you're exceeding the speed limit by 5 or 20mph and you're fairly close then do you stand on your brakes or continue on your law-breaking way???

I have seen more people run - and by run, I mean who-are-you-kidding-me?-run through yellow/red down here. More red than yellow.

I was half way through a yellow the other day and checked out my rear view mirror to see who would be following me.  I swear 3 cars were lined up without a backward (or sideways) glance to see if anyone one else was coming (legally) from the other direction.

I was talking to someone the other day that said he thought he remembered a time when there wasn't a yellow.  Really?  He didn't look ancient but I wonder if that was so.

This wasn't a rant and it wasn't a complaint.
Just an observation because I'm observant.

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