Friday, September 13, 2024

I Had an "I Love Lucy" Moment

 I'll set the scene: me in the kitchen.  Already the setting is ominous. 

I was trying to decide which pasta to make for Petey's dinner.

I had two half boxes of "long" - linguine and  fettuccine -  along with a couple others to contemplate.  Halfway through the decision making process I switched to ravioli so I "carefully" gathered up the two "long" boxes and moved toward the pantry.

Do you see it coming?  Did I set up the foreshadowing good enough for you?

The long boxes were the first to make the pantry journey and I neglected to pay attention to the open ends.

You guessed it! The pasta went flying.  I wasn't even moving fast but those suckers launched themselves into the air and then hit the floor runnin'.

Fortunately, I'd just mopped the floor so I scooped them up in a flash, comingled them into a pot of boiling water and dinner was served!

Just kidding.  Give me some credit.  I wasn't raised by wolves.

The ravioli was delicious, btw.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Three Beautiful Days

Wow, it's been a minute, hasn't it?  Haven't posted here since February.  I think Instagram/Facebook have kinda taken over but not today.

This morning at temple our teacher was talking about loving kindness and she led us through a meditation with it in mind.

She told us to visualize a moment/person/event/place that made a huge impact on our lives.  Something or someone that made our heart almost burst, it was so full of love.

Nothing happened for me at first.  I ruled out the day I got married, the day my son was born - those kind of things - not because they weren't pivotal in my life but something else pushed into my consciousness instead. 

Something that happened recently.

Something(s) that happened over the last three days.

We traveled to Fenn Valley Vineyard on Thursday to hear our friends Kevin and Jerry play.  We'd never been there before and I was blown away by the beauty of the place.  Not only the vineyard itself but the drive there and back.  Country roads.  Some of them we'd been on before and they brought back great memories.  Others were new and so peaceful. Almost like the feel of a rocking chair on an old front porch. 

Friday we drove up to Grand Haven.  We've taken that drive up Lakeshore many, many times and it's always a feast for the eyes.  No matter the time of year.

But Friday was different, I'm not sure why.  The winding road bordered by huge trees with a background of a blue, blue sky made me breath deeply with appreciation.  I said to Peter, "we have our own Tunnel of Trees" right here in our backyard.  I tilted by head back and watched the branches overhead fly by through the sun roof.  

Saturday was a birthday celebration (her 75th) of one of my closest friends.  A lifelong friend.  A friend I have shared many, many laughs and a few tears with over the past several decades.

The drive to her house was different this time because we came at it from a another direction now that we live in Holland and not Allegan anymore.

The vast farmlands spread out in all their splendor.  Corn was everywhere.  Dark, dark green.  Various other colors on the rolling hills were like a picture waiting to be painted.  Maybe by my friend who is a wonderful artist.

Sitting in her yard among many other friends, looking at the pond in this peaceful hidey hole almost made me weep. 

So I guess I am now sharing my loving kindness with you.  A loving kindness for our beautiful surroundings.  

Monday, February 26, 2024

Age of Reflextion

 Two days ago I attended a Celebration of Life for a very good friend. The next day (yesterday) marked one year since one of my very, very best friends died.

I started thinking of all the women that I have shared space with; it's a long list.

I think, well, I know, I appreciated their friendship at the time.  Most of them but not all, I didn't realize until many years later how very grateful I was to have known them. 

I'm leaving family members off this list because - I loved them all and miss them a ton so . . . enough said.

I'm also sure I'll miss a few but in my way of keeping my blogs short-ish, here goes.

My kindergarten teacher, Miss Adams, was so kind and encouraging.  I remember her soft voice and presence.

Mary Hearn and Elnora Simpson.  Hard working women and possessed patience from the gods.

Pat Ankney.  She expected your best and got it - if it killed us.

Sue Johnson Lange who still rides along with me most every day.

Pat Higgs Miller who showed me how to tell the funniest damn stories -  about myself. She deserved an Oscar for her tales.

Kathi Proper - who filled my life with joy every nano-second we spent together.

Gwen DeBruyn who encouraged me constantly with my jewelry.

There are more but I promised to keep it short-ish.

Take a moment and reflect on the gifts left behind by people you loved and admired.