Monday, October 2, 2023

A Woman's Wise Words

That wise woman was my mom, Nan Brachman.  She said "lose it before you're 30, El."  

I remember like it was yesterday.  Right down to the exact spot those words were uttered.

Here I am, moments away from 75, to tell you that I did lose it.  

And then gained it back and then took it off and then . . . You get the picture right?

The weight loss industry is HUGE in this country and we know why. Because it's so dang hard to lose weight but even harder to keep it off. The percentage of keeping it off is staggering and depressing.

My friend, Paula, introduced me to an app called Lose It several years ago.  It's a food log but so, so much better than the old pencil and paper version.  You know, the one where you had to buy the calorie book, look up a specific food and then weigh and measure it?

Well this app makes it so much easier.  It does a lot for you except you still have to weigh and measure.  It's kind of fun at first.  It still takes  time but worth it cuz, baby, the pounds disappear!

You start digging in the back of the closet to find the shorts that didn't fit this year and then the fashion show begins.

It's wonderful right up until you convince yourself you don't have to weigh and measure anymore.  Why?  Because you know, you really know, how much 3oz is just by looking at it, right?

Move the scale off the counter.  Put the measuring spoons back in the drawer.  You got this!

It only takes a couple of weeks for you to lose sight of exactly what 3oz looks like.  Then one morning you step on the scale and - WHAT THE HECK?  You gained a pound!!!

Last year I reintroduced myself to Lose It for the third time.  She hadn't forgotten me and I felt no judgement on her part.  This time I dragged Petey along for the ride and we both lost.  A lot.  Particularly Petey.  Why is it that men lose more than women?

So where's the lesson here?  It's certainly one I haven't learned.

I do know that whatever plan you decide to use, it has to be one you'll hang on to for frigging ever.  The minute you stop whatever you did to lose the lbs, they'll gradually come back home.

Was this a downer blog?  Do you wish I'd never written it?
Yeah, me too.

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