One of my favorite blogs is Pioneer Woman. If you've never read her - check her out.
Today she talked about making resolutions by dividing the word up into separate letters and attaching a resolution to each one.
What the heck - I'll give it a try. I'm going to do this without a moment's forethought so stand by.
R - restrict my language and by that I mean - I'm really going to try and not drop F-bombs. As much.
E - energize my attitude. I'll try not to be too obnoxious but I'm already carrying around a fair amount of energy. So watch out.
S - stand up straight. I've always been good at the standing up thing so maybe I'll focus more on sitting up straight. Same letter.
O - outsource my cooking and cleaning. She said the O was tough and that's the best I could come up with. Pretty good, eh? Yeah, like that's going to happen.
L - Lie less. That fits, doesn't it? I'm good about not telling the big ones but I'll admit to telling plenty of the white ones.
U - understand or try to, why people do the things they do.
T - temper my tongue. That's going to be difficult.
I - Induce goodwill wherever I go. A bit lofty but, hey, what would you use for I?
O - Observe more of the world around me. Whew, that was a close one. Two Os is not easy. I'm impressed with myself.
N - Never, never eat a whole pound of Bridge Mix again. At least in one sitting. Maybe a half pound but never a pound. Never!
Give it a try and see what you come up with. No fair copying.
Good job! I had no reservations about you completing this task:)